Medicine or antibiotics are taken orally can be effective for a person if consumed and absorbed by the body. Oral medication must be absorbed from the digestive tract to get into the bloodstream and then sent to the area who are sick or have infections to treatment.
There are various factors that affect the body's ability to absorb medications very well, including the relative acidity in the stomach, the presence or absence of nutrients fat or other nutrients, as well as whether there are certain elements in the body such as calcium.
As quoted from Everydayhealth.com, Saturday (01/01/2011), some medicines such as antibiotics that contain tetrasiklik family would react with the milk. Calcium found in milk will bind medicines or antibiotics that prevent the absorption of the medicine in the body.
In addition there are good medicine consumed after meals or after meals, this is due to food intake can affect medicine absorption. Therefore becomes very important to follow the instructions for use are printed on the bottle or packet of drugs, as well as the criteria people should always ask the pharmacist for the drug is consumed.
And what about other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice?
Other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice generally contains various compounds such as caffeine that might react with the drugs consumed thus affecting absorption.
For that community is always recommended taking the drug by using a known white water does not contain anything, so it does not affect the absorption of the drug. Also water can help dissolve the drugs consumed in the stomach so that the absorption process for the better and easier.
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