Monday, March 7, 2011

"Evening of Poetry" in the FIB UI

JAKARTA, — "evening of poetry is held with the spirit of freedom of expression, there is no censorship, no restrictions, please perform and work," said Yudhi Soenarto, Builder of theater Literature UI, in his speech.

The stage was soon crowded with the viewer who take turns reciting poems of their work and the work of poet-poet famous for Indonesia. There is also the viewer's musikalisasi of poetry, singing, even read out a letter to Indonesia's political elite.

Events organized by the literary Theatre self-developed and ILUNI FIB UI on Friday, March 4, 2011, this rolling since at 17: 00 until 23: 00. The stage was never empty. In addition the students perform as well as alumni FIB UI (FS UI) from the 1970s to the 2000s, such as Linda Djalil, Mossadeq Bahri, Ali Sonhaj, Crixmadine Djamaluddin, Yudhi Soenarto, Alfian Siagian, Fadli Zon, Fahrurozy, and others. The journalists requested Jodhi Yudono guest starred performing stunningly performed musikalisasi poems Rendra and Chairil Anwar.

Fadli Zon, Chairman ILUNI FIB UI, stating that the event is expected to be the event to create for the students and alumni of the FIB UI, in addition to being a means to bersilaturahim for a variety of forces. He also delivered have scheduled the event with Theatrical Literature three times a year to stimulate the birth of the new works of poetry that will further enliven the corpus of literature in Indonesia. The poems were good enough to be collected and published an anthology.

"I never thought the evening poem turned out, got excellent reception and be inspirational. Participants who want to perform is not timeless, perhaps because we don't have long held an event like this, "said Ardita Anggraini, Chairman of the Theatrical Literature. "I am so much more excited about, let alone now activities arguably dry because of all the students of diburu-buru for quick passing" he continued.

Since long, FIB UI (d/h FS UI) is indeed a leading writer in Keflavík many Indonesia. Events such as this being complementary to the academic activities have become routine. (*)

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